Thursday, June 28, 2012
New: Kate Challenges!
I trust you guys, so please don't cheat or lie. I know you won't, but please don’t take advantage of this.
Rules: None I think, except don't lie or cheat. And the comments for each challenge will be accepted until Aug. 15th. But if there is a tie, the person who completed the challenge first will be able to take the point away from the other person who completed it later.
If any of this is unclear or you have a question just write it in the comments. May the best man/woman win!
Do you like to play any sports? I have always thought that being able to play some kind of sport is good for you. especially when you have FUN playing it. Some people play to many to handle, some people play none at all. My advice to all of you is that playing a sport is fun, keeps you fit and is healthy for you. As we get older and keep growing you need to make sure that you can make healthy choices. To the people who don't play any sports I suggest try a few. You never know if you'll like or dislike something. Here are some good sports to try out this summer:
- Soccer
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Volleyball
- Football(brace yourself if you try this one)
- Tennis
- Dodge ball
- Swimming
The possibilities are endless, and it may take a while to find one you like. But when you have a good sport and you like to play, you can get really good and it can help you in almost anything. Even school!
And to the people who are like me that has SO many favorite sports, do what I did: find the one sport that you excel at and makes you feel good. You can have more then one; I am not saying it's a bad thing. I love every sport I've ever played. But it's a great idea to focus on one or two sports for your benefit. Also, too many activities can make you tired and not want to do anything.
Alright, so all you guys find your strengths, don't limit or expand to much and keep enjoying the summer!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Moving Out
Summer What to Dos
Okay, lets get to the advice! What to do during the summer, is almost every ones problem. Nobody can wait until the summer, and then you are bored all day and have NO idea what to do! Well, here are some great summer activities to try out!
- Go to the beach(OK, I know you knew this one)
- Spend some time with all your siblings! Give 'em some love:)
- Start a business! Make a lemonade stand or a car wash! Anything you want!
- Try something new! Take a piano lesson, or learn to surf!
- Start a club! Get some friends and do some creative activities
- Meet up with your old friends! Say hello to new ones!
- Make your own blog! Or post on your current one:)
The possibilities are endless! So get out side(or get to work inside) and make this summer count!
Have a great summer,