Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fightin' Friends:(

What do you do when you get into a fight with your BFF? Well today I am going to give you some tips on how to handle a fight, how to avoid a fight, and how to end a fight!

  • Don't give your friend the silent treatment- Without communication, how will you ever solve the problem?
  • LISTEN! This is probably the most important. Don't say what you want to say and ignore your friend because maybe you are wrong.
  • Try to compromise- If you want to go to the park but your friend would rather go to a movie, suggest if you could maybe go to a movie in the park!
  • Don't ask other people to take sides in the argument. It's best just to keep it between the one you are fighting with
And guys, remember BFF's can't stay angry forever, right? When you make up, you'll think that the fight you had was the silliest thing ever! But sometimes, even the silliest thing can be made into a really big deal if you don't handle it right!
Have a good day!:):)