Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I Finally have Anna's Prize: Crushes!

Anna has asked me to give advice on if you have a crush. If you have a crush and you care about them so much and you are dying, show them you like them. If it doesn't work out it probably wasn't meant to be, no matter how much you liked them. Or if you'd rather, you could get to know them better. Learn more about them, become a close friend to him/her. Remember their birthday, celebrate the holiday with them, or just give them a gift once in a while. Chances are that you'll someday be together. If you don't want them to know, or don't want to tell them, keep it to yourself. Think of other people you'll meet who are brave enough to ask you.

Have a great weekend,

1 comment:

  1. Ah crushes..... can't say I've ever had to worry about them. XP Sure I've had them, but 95% of my knows it's pointless, so why bother? I usually just shut the 5% up and move on with my life. ;-D Guy friends are much better than 'crushes.' :-)
