Friday, October 14, 2011


Okay, well I am going to try something new. I am holding a contest for the best advice giver. I will give you a problem and the person who gives the best advice for it wins. The winner will tell me what he or she wants to see on my blog, and I will do it. Okay? Got it, here is the problem:

Amy's Grandma just died and she loved her so much. She really wants her back, and can't stand to talk about her. What advice would you give to Amy?

Okay I will announce the winner on Monday!!


  1. Well, Kate, my BFF killed herself a few years ago. I was in the same dilemma. I got really introverted, and a lot of people brought me cookies and stuff to help me through it. But the one thing that helped me the most were my other closest friends. They brought over movies. Thing was, they didn't know what movies would bring back memories (like OMG we saw the movie together) and what wouldn't, so they brought over 10+ movies. We spent three days STRAIGHT watching everything from The Devil Wears Prada to American Pie to the Human Centipede (staying up with lotsa caffeine) A few movies reminded me of my friend, but we had lots of tissues. They were so supportive. It helped me realize that even though my friend was gone, it was like she was still there with me. I was able to talk about my friend afterwards and even give that speech thinymajigger at her funeral. So, advice? Do something that's halfway between forgetting and remembering. With close friends, lots of tissues, and a shiz load of chocolate.

  2. Good job!! the first one to enter as well!!

  3. Dear Amy,
    I would suggest that you take into account all the wondeful memories you once had a cherish them. Think about those memories of being with her and that she is still there in your heart instead of thinking of those as your lose of her and feelings of pain. Thing of happy times and have lots of good things that you love. If you love chocolate, eat it. If you love icecream, eat it. If you love to go to the park and run, do it. Do everything that you love to do to take your mind off of the feeling of pain and sorrow. Stay on the happy side and have friends around to encourage you and comfort you!

  4. say a brother or sister treats you differently what do you do?
    Talk to them tell them how you feel, tell them that they need to spend more time with you.Don't let it bring you down.
